Using sound to explain scientific data

Professor Dr David Worrall presents Sonification of Scientific Data for Investigation and Public Communication.

Sonification can been concisely defined as the use of nonspeeech audio to convey information. It is usually described as the auditory equivalent of scientific visualisation, although there are significant differences.

This talk presents an overview of the topic with examples drawn from various fields, including a demonstration of David's NetSon project, the realtime sonification of network metadata for monitoring and surveillance.

Professor Dr David Worrall is a member of the Emerging Audio Research Group at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits in Erlangen, Germany.

His research interest is in the sonification of large multivariate temporal datasets. He was the Director of the Electronic Music Studios at the School of Music in the 1980s before founding the Australian Centre for the Arts and Technology (ACAT) at ANU which he led for more that a decade. David is an Honorary Life Member of the Music Council of Australia and a board member of the International Community for Auditory Display (ICAD) . He is co-chairing the ICAD2016 conference at ANU in July 2016.


Date and Times


The Finkel Lecture Theatre, John Curtin School of Medical Research Building #131, Garran Rd, ANU



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